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15-40 New Grants per day


Federal, State & Foundation Grants

Access to 28,000 Grants



What Foundations and Grants Writers Wish Non-Profits Knew

What Foundations and Grant Writers Wish Non-Profits Knew

Securing grants is a discipline that requires more than passion; it demands strategy, structure, and mutual understanding between non-profits and grant makers. Having worked in the grant writing and foundation space as a professional, here are five key insights that non-profits must embrace to achieve consistent success in winning grant partnerships:

1. Master the Six Criteria: Foundations assess applications based on alignment, sustainability, measurability, innovation, community involvement, and scalability. Your proposal must demonstrate that your mission aligns with the foundation’s goals, your work can be sustained long-term, and your outcomes are measurable. Highlight how your program stands out (innovation), involves stakeholders (community involvement), and has the potential to grow (scalability).

2. Understand the Foundation Perspective: Non-profits often focus on their mission and operating details, while foundations prioritize investing in their definition of good. Foundations are not just donors; they are strategic partners looking to maximize the impact of limited resources. Your proposal should show how your organization helps them achieve their goals while fulfilling your mission.

3. Operate as a Business First: While your non-profit’s mission is your driving force, operating like a business ensures long-term success and maximum effective use of funds. This means maintaining a solid operating infrastructure, managing finances with precision, and prioritizing policies and procedures over reliance on a single leader. A well-run organization instills confidence in funders and volunteers.

4. Embrace Policies and Procedures: Foundations prefer organizations with documented policies, governance structures, and systems in place. While charismatic leaders can inspire, sustainable organizations are built on clear processes and shared responsibilities.

5. Focus on Mutual Benefit, Not Charity: Position your organization as a partner, not a charity case. For example, an adult literacy program isn’t just helping individuals—it’s fostering economic development by equipping residents with skills that benefit the city’s workforce and economy. Foundations want to invest in long term impact, not just support needs.

By adopting these practices, non-profits can bridge the gap between their mission and the foundation’s goals, and create long term partnerships that deliver meaningful, measurable impact for all involved.

