Business & Non-Profit Grant Experts

Profits & Non-Profits

15-40 New Grants per day


Federal, State & Foundation Grants

Access to 28,000 Grants




20+ Years Experience

15-40 New Grants per day


Federal, State & Foundation Grants

Access to 28,000 Grants



The Golden Key of Crowdfunding

I love tools; they are incredibly useful and typically make the difference between being able to complete a task or not. Tools are at their best when used at the right time and in the right way; a screwdriver doesn’t make a good hammer.

Crowdfunding is one of the most exciting tools at our disposal for raising funds, and in staying true to the principle of “the right tool at the right time”, crowdfunding can make a lifetime of difference in a fund raising project. Funds of up to five million can be raised in just a few months; there are crowdfunds with investor pools which can raise up to seventy five million.

Knowing which tool to use is as important as knowing how to use the tool. In the case of considering whether crowdfunding is right for your objectives, there is a “golden key” that can be used. The golden key is whether or not your story has “sizzle” which means will it grab the attention of the crowdfunding pool of donors and investors. My customers range from technology integrators to light manufacturing, to inventors of life saving technologies, to a bed and breakfast ranch.

Every one of my customers has a wonderful story about the founders, the mission, the objectives, and how they’ll make a real difference in this world. Some of the stories are more luminescent than others, and it is this luminescence that we seek to match to the views and objectives of the pools of crowd funders. One of my projects is to raise funds to create a film series on a great American hero from the 1960’s. Another is the generation of water from air for poor nations where water is scarce. Other stories involve owners who created vibrant businesses in spite of growing up highly disadvantaged.

Not all fund raising opportunities are accepted by the crowd funding platforms, mainly due to the story not having sizzle. A grant partner will find the most interesting aspect of the story about the grantee. When that perspective excites crowd funding pools, objectives of the grantors and grantees can be met quickly and in a life changing way. When crowdfunding is not the best tool, it’s great to know there is a far larger pool of funds available from grants. Grants usually take six to nine months to receive where a crowdfund may provide funds in two to three months. Both are great tools, especially when used at the right time and in the right way.

What is your story?

Visit our webpage at or call us at 469-744-0272. We’d love to custom craft a grants and crowd funding program for you.

Warm Regards,

Neil Reid.

